6th Astana Economic Forum



6th Astana Economic Forum (after — the Forum) was held on 22-24 May 2013 with the participation of Kazakhstan Republic President Nursultan Nazarbayev, as well as current and former heads of government, leading politicians, heads of international organizations, Nobel Prize winners, as well as representatives of the world media.


The forum was attended as a delegate of the Rector KazNMU after S.D. Asfendiyarov, MD, Professor A.A. Akanov.


The forum was the presentation of «Iodine in medicine. The development of innovative treatments for viral hepatitis in the United States and the RK, and the development of laboratory tests in the age aspects», in which participated as a speaker Musayev A.T. — MD, professor of emergency department of KazNMU after S.D. Asfendiyarov.


At the end of the forum groups of scientists United States, RK was awarded the prize for the best innovative work. Agreed to further scientific cooperation with leading U.S. scientists in the field of genetics, life sciences, biotechnology and clinical medicine. Currently, work is underway organizational characters.


Профессора из США: Джозеф Клейнерман, Бернард Уиллиам Доунс, Кеннет Блум и из РК: профессор Мусаев А.Т., Бегалиев Ш.

Professors from the United States: Joseph Kleinerman, Bernard William Downes, Kenneth Bloom and of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Professor Musaev AT, Begaliyev Sh

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VI Астанинский экономический форум

6th Astana Economic Forum