Educational Department of Pharmacy


In 2010-11 the educational department of pharmacy began work on optimization of educational process on the base of a competent approach.

In «Pharmacy» the system of modular training is developed. Modular training on vertical type assumes the organization of educational process in the preparation directions. For realizing of modular training the structure of pharmaceutical faculty was reconsidered therefore profile chairs were transformed to 5 modules: «Pharmacist-manager», «Pharmacist-analyst», «Pharmacist-technologist», «Pharmacist-pharmacognosist» and «Pharmacist -toxicologist».

The material base on modules of pharmaceutical faculty is improved, the equipment in the Center of practical skills and the Center of certification of medicines is acquired, and there is technical, physical and chemical equipment for carrying out educational process and scientific researches.

1.     Improvement of educational processes:

  1. Introduction of new speciality «Technology of pharmaceutical production» on the 3 levels (a bachelor degree, a master’s degree, PhD degree).
  2. Complete transition to credit technology of training.
  3. Introduction of a competent approach to educational process — formation of key competences on all disciplines within an educational program in «Pharmacy».
  4. Improvement of methods and forms of problem-oriented training — carrying out public occupations of all teachers of pharmaceutical faculty with application of innovative methods of training.
  5. Carrying out joint guest lectures with the executive director of Association of distributors of pharmaceutical production of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gunko N. A., general director of LLC «Vi-ORTiS» Cherednichenko N. N., product-manager of LLCAlpen Farm Rakhimova L.
  6. Obtaining the copyright certificate on carrying out the objective structured practical examination (OSPE) in «Pharmacy».
  7. Realizing of program of training in 3 languages – public occupations on chairs of pharmaceutical faculty (with presentation demonstration in English language) is given.
  8. Development and the statement of joint educational programs on research practice for undergraduates 2 courses (special. Pharmacy) in 4 directions of preparation with National pharmaceutical university (Kharkov) and the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute; and also on disciplines «Technology of perfumery and cosmetology means» for undergraduates of 1 course (special. «Technology of pharmaceutical production») and «Biotechnology» for students of the 5th course (special. Pharmacy).
  9. The catalog of elective subjects on 2012-13 on the specialties «Pharmacy» and «Technology of pharmaceutical production» is created.
  10. Carrying out fair of elective subjects for 2012-13.
  11. Development of the project of an educational program in the «Pharmacy», based on State obligatory standard of education of 2012.
  12. 2.     Organization of post-degree education:
    1. Obtaining the license for opening PhD program in «Pharmacy».
    2. Obtaining the license for opening master’s degree and, PhD program in «Technology of pharmaceutical production».
    3. 3.     Development of educational, methodical and electronic materials on the state and Russian languages:
      1. The catalogue of elective disciplines to the next academic year, the catalogue of disciplines of a summer semester in «Pharmacy», and also the catalogue of elective disciplines of pharmaceutical faculty for the students who are training in «Management» is made.
      2. Development and updating of educational and methodical complex of disciplines on obligatory and elective disciplines, including together with employers.
      3. Preparation for the edition of manuals (8), the managements to laboratory researches (1) on disciplines it agrees State obligatory standard of education -2006 in «Pharmacy».
      4. Improvement of base of test tasks of the current, boundary, intermediate and total control, control questions, situational tasks, essay, case-study, portfolio etc.

4. Attraction to teaching of visiting-professors:

Work on the invitation of visiting-professors from abroad which address to our audience of students, undergraduates, by PhD — doctoral candidates and teachers with public lectures, with the organization of master classes concerning actual pharmacy and modern educational technologies is conducted. So, colleagues from NPAU (Kharkov), SibSMU (Tomsk), TashFarmI (Tashkent), PSFA (Perm), Tel Aviv medical university (Israel),etc. were invited.

  1. Molokhova E.I. – doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor of chair of industrial technology of drugswith a course of biotechnology of the Perm state pharmaceutical academy.
  2. Makhmudzhanova K.S. — doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, manager of chair of technologies of medicinal forms of the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute.
  3. Greencov Y.F. – candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior lecturer of chair of clinical pharmacy with a course of pharmaceutical guardianship of National pharmaceutical university (Kharkov).
  4. Pribytkova L.N.  –Doctor of chemical sciences, professor of chair of toxicological chemistry of SibSMU (Tomsk).
  5. Mikhailevsky A. – Professor, Tel Aviv medical university (Israel).
  6. Kislichenko V. S. – doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor of chair of a farmacognosy of National pharmaceutical university (Kharkov).
  7. Kirillov E.N. – doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, the professor, the vice rector on study of the St. Petersburg chemical and pharmaceutical academy.
  8. Kaukhova I.Y. -doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, senior lecturer of chair of industrial technology of drugs of the St. Petersburg chemical and pharmaceutical Academy.
  9. Professor A.Pinkhasov — Ariel University center of Samaria (Israel).



5. Development of the academic mobility:

For implementation of the academic mobility there are contracts on mutual cooperation with National pharmaceutical university (Kharkov), the Siberian state medical university (Tomsk), the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute, the St. Petersburg chemical and pharmaceutical academy, Maikop State University.

In 2011-12 academic year 4 undergraduates within 3 months held research practice on the basis of NPAU, 4 undergraduates — on the base of Tashkent pharmaceutical institute.

Students have practice, classes in some elective disciplines that are the beginning of possible cooperation in the development of two-degree education. Now 2 students of 4th course in Pharmacy are trained on the basis of NPAU during a spring semester.

6. Increasing of qualification and initiative of Professional and teaching staff of the faculty.

1. Professional preparation and retraining of Professors and teaching staff on the basis of KAZNMU and other organizations.

2. Improvement of rating system of an assessment of quality of activity of Professors and teaching staff for the differentiated compensation for the purpose of increase of motivation of Professors and teaching staff to professional development.

3. Training of Professors and teaching staff to new technologies and forms of education, Kazakh, English languages, computer literacy.

4. Training of Professors and teaching staff to modern achievements in educational process: on credit technology of training, active methods of training, communicative skills, psychology and pedagogics bases, collecting and the analysis of feedback, etc.

7. Development of a pharmaceutical science

1. Participation of Professors and teaching staff in national and international programs of scientific researches in a course of technology of medicinal forms (first scientific project passed in the 2nd round of competition).

2. Protection of 1 doctor’s and 3 master’s theses on a course of technology of drugs – the research supervisor is Professor Dilbarkhanov R. D.

3. Carrying out student’s scientific and practical conferences on chairs:

— pharmaceutical chemistry, farmacognosy, toxicological chemistry, botany and pharmacology — republican popular scientific student’s conference «Topical issues of modern pharmacy and pharmacology», devoted to the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty of KAZNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov;

— the organizations, economy of pharmacy and technology of medicinal forms – student’s scientific and practical conference «The organization, economy, management and marketing in pharmacy», devoted to the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty of KAZNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov;

— Pharmacology – 2 student’s scientific and practical conferences «Local anesthetics – achievements and prospects», «Resistance from antibiotics» devoted to the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty of KAZNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov;

— Pharmaceutical faculty – «Day of a science» (3 stages).

4. Participation of Professors and teaching staff in competition of scientific grants in the University. 2 high school grants in 2011 are won:

— Research supervisor – the manager of chair of organization and economy of Pharmacy, and technologies of medicinal forms Dilbarkhanov R. D.;

— Research supervisor – senior lecturer of chair of terapeutic stomatology Iskakov M. K. – together with employees of chair of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, botany, toxicological chemistry.

In 2012 – 2 high school grants:

— Research supervisor – senior lecturer Sakipova Z.B. (module of preparation pharmacist-technologist);

— Research supervisor – Karakushikova A.S. (B. Atchabarov’s institute, chair of pharmacology, biochemistry, polyclinic therapy, module pharmacist-technologist).

Ministry of education and science – 3 grants:

— Research supervisor – professor Datkhayev U.M. (module pharmacist-technologist);

— Research supervisor – professor Omarova R. A. (module pharmacist-analyst);

— Research supervisor – Karakushikova A.S. (B. Atchabarov’s institute, chair of pharmacology, biochemistry, polyclinic therapy, module pharmacist-technologist).

5. Participation of employees of a course of technology of medicinal forms in the competition «Shapagat», organized by Committee on intellectual property – was received the Letter of thanks on the nomination «The most active inventor».


8. Improvement of industrial practice activity

1. Mini-production creation for receiving soft and firm medicinal forms – a technological production line candles, granulate, ointments, gels, liniment, etc.

2. The conclusion of contracts with production bases for carrying out practice of students.

— National Center of examination of medicines, medical technology and medical appointment;

— Almaty branch of the center of forensic medicine (CFM);

— Production cooperative Kyzyl May;

— Production and intrahospital drugstores of Almaty;

— Scientific center of anti-infectious preparations.


9. Holding of conferences, fairs, round tables, forums:

1. Participation of Professors and Teaching staff in conference «Model of medical education of KAZNMU: preliminary results, problems and prospects». Speeches of the employer – the deputy director of group of companies “Medservisplus” Erdenbekova S. M.; Professors and Teaching staff with reports in the 3rd sections, preparation of articles for the collection of materials of conference.

2. Participation in conference «Development and introduction in educational process of KAZNMU of S. D. Asfendiyarov of an educational program in the «Pharmacy», based on a competent approach», the International scientific and practical conference included in materials «Improvement of medical education – a guarantee of effective health care»» on October 21-22, 2010, carried out to SMUK (Karaganda).

3. Carrying out the international scientific and practical conference «Pharmaceutical practice: integration of a science, education and production», the first interhospital drugstore of Almaty devoted to the 30 anniversary within the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty.

4. Carrying out fair of vacancies for graduates of pharmaceutical faculty.

5. The round table with employers on a subject «Strategy of development of pharmacy — partnership of a science, education and practice» is carried out.

6. Participation of senior lecturer Satbayeva E.M. in conference on the medicines applied to treatment of rare diseases (St. Petersburg).

6. Carrying out a round table in 5.10.11 concerning introduction of the GMP/GDP standards. President of Group of companies “Vialek” , auditor of the European organization of quality (EOQ), executive director of the International pharmaceutical association of authorized persons, editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical magazine «Pure rooms and technological environments» ALEXANDROV A.V.

7. Carrying out the international scientific and practical conference «Innovative technologies in educational process: integration of a pharmaceutical science and practice», devoted to the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty of KAZNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov in a framework «Days of University».

8. The book edition under Akanov A.A. edition. «Model of medical education: a current state and prospects of development of pharmaceutical education», devoted to the 60 anniversary of pharmaceutical faculty;

9. The round table with viziting-professors «Results of implementation of the program of viziting-professors» on the basis of B. Atchabarov’s Institute is carried out.

10. Participation of the director of the Department of education of pharmacy senior lecturer Ustenova G. O. in the international training seminar of 28-29.11.11 «Methodology of development of educational programs on a way of formation of the all-European space of the higher education» on the basis of State university of Kokshetau, 2011.

11. Performance at meeting of a round table with employers within the International conference «Days of university» of the director of the Department of education of pharmacy senior lecturer Ustenova G. O. and the representative of employers – the president of association of distributors of Kazakhstan – Gunko N. A.