International Associations

Associations Websites
1 IAU – International Associations of Universities
2 EUA – European Universities Associations
3 FIP International Pharmaceutical Federation
4 ADEE – Association of Dental Education in Europe
5 EAFP – European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy
6 AssociationofSiberian Open University
7 AMEE – Association of Medical Education in Europe
8 AMSE- Association of Medical Schools in Europe
9 ASPHER —  AssociationofSchoolsofPublicHealth in the  European Region
10 ORPHEUS –Organization for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System
11 EAU – Eurasian AssociationofUniversities
12 Eurasian Universities Union(EURAS)


AsfendiyarovKazNMU being an institutional member of the international associations has the advantages of cooperation and receives the updated information on higher education in Europe, international accreditation of educational programmers, attends the international conferences and assemblies with the right to vote, participates in the management training program; represents the University in the international arena, through participation in the annual events and publications in the Association; participates in joint research projects of ADEE, professional conferences, the General Assembly with the right of 2 representatives to vote from KazNMU to publish their achievements in European Journal of Dental Education, which contributes to the growth of the rating of the university; also it uses the resources of the international associations; carries out the exchanges of innovative technology training and practice/production.

As part of the activities of the international associations KazNMU represents the experience and achievements in the field of medical and pharmacy education.

15th Ottawa Conference –“Competence-based model of medical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; “The methodology of objective structured clinical examination (OSСE) for interns”, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;

AMEE 2015 – Integrating Communication Skills Competency into the Medical Education Curriculum at Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, 2014 Prague, Czech Republic;


MD, Associate prof Yusupov attends the AMEE 2015

41stАМЕЕ Conference –“Competency based medical curriculum: Kazakh National Medical University Perspective” 2015 Glasgow, UK;


MD, Prof. Bayakhmetova attends the ADEE 2015

41st ADEE Conference –«Communication and interaction in dentistry»,«Main areas of modernization of dental education at Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University»; «Features of formation of the communicative competence of the dental students»2015Szeged, Hungary;

11th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC)–“Impact of Accreditation and Rankings on KazNMU’s Institutional Strategies and Development” 2014 Singapore;

21st EAFP Conference –“Quality Assurance in Pharmacy Education”, “Development of educational programmers between partner universities within the two-diploma education” 2015 Athens, Greece.

7th EUA Conference – European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), 2012Universityof Tallinn, Estonia;

EUAandIUA – key speakers at the conference «University Days 2013» were invited from the USA and the UK;

6thASPHERConference– introducing KazNMU as a member of the ASPHER, 2013, Brussels, Belgium;

19th FIP Conference – Working in The Information Future: Non Traditional Paths in Library Work, 2013, Ankara, Turkey;

10th ORPHEUSConference – «Challenges in evaluating research outcomes in PhD education» 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.

As a result of participation in the above-mentioned activities contacts have been established with universities from different countries for further cooperation, has been invited to participate in the main activities of the international association, which will contribute to the further development of international cooperation, recognition of the university at the international level.