Strategic goals


Development of management activities. 

Aim  creation of up date innovative focused model of medical high school competitive at inner and outer educational services market through continuous training and retraining staff potential and developing human resources of international level.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Modernization of the university organization structure in accordance with the aims and tasks of innovative  focused university.
  • Improvement of high school managing, transition to corporative managing (Guardian Council, Ethics Committee, Monitoring Council).
  • Formation and entrance to the high school Consortium, organizations of practical public health and science, medical enterprises.
  • Realization of the systemic approach in quality managing: coordination of the subdivisions work through the Council on quality.
  • Integration of post diploma training structures into the Institute of post diploma education on the base of CCE Centre.
  • Development of  the three unity (education, science, practice) system in medical education, strengthening the role of researches at national and international levels.
  • Improvement of educational process managing forms:

Development of educational departments, Committees of educational programs, Centre of analysis, monitoring of educational quality and scientific grounding medical education reform for improving on medical education by  realizing competence focused educational principles;

  • improvement of structural Subdivision interaction, taking part in educational process (matrix management);
  • development of public health school;
  • office-registrar service improvement
  • providing of automatic informational systemic management functioning with electronic documents turning;
  • Stage implementation of financial management elements. Diversification of services, distribution of temporary vacant means at financial market with the aim of additional income getting. Automatization of financial accounts.
  • Active teaching psychological pedagogical and managing skills to personnel and administrative reserve. Revealing of personnel needs in training, organization of training courses on improvement of teachers pedagogical skills.
  • Improvement of informative technical high school providing
  • Services outsourcing
  • Creation of positive KazNMU image by widely informing about KazNMU activity in mass media civil and public organizations, PR-companies for promoting scientific  educational activity, therapeutic, diagnostic and laboratorial services of KazNMU.


Development of educational activity

Aim:  Providing educational process integration with modern achievements of science and practice for training competitive specialists with high and post-graduate education, required at international labor market.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years.

  • Improvement of KazNMU new model of educational programs, by realization of competence focused teaching principles.
  • Realizations of students knowledge independent assessment principles on the base of practical skills Centre.
  • Converting KazNMU educational programs with foreign countries high schools educational programs.
  • Development of students and teachers academic mobility.
  • Intensification of three  languages studying program in the University.
  • Interaction of studying process, science and practice:
  • Development and implementation of scientific methodology and  evidential medicine  principles into the educational process;
  • Implementation of block  module educational programs, including up date achievements of science and practice;
  • Improvement of scientific research work of students, interns, residents, masters, PhD in the frame of educational process.
  • Creation of methodic base for forming knowledge and practical skills in students.

(Centre of monitoring and educational quality analysis and scientific grounding medical educational reforms. Centre of Bologna process, Centre of distance training).


Development of scientific  research activity

Aim: Improvement of scientific  research potential of KazNMU by training of competitive scientific personnel, including the additional financing on carrying out scientific research work and consolidation of material  technical base, integration into the international scientific community.

Tasks for 2012-2015  years :

  • Increasing effectiveness of applied researches through the development of state-private partnership with joint- stock company “Kazakh Academy of Nutrition” including ;
  •  scientific grounding technologies of providing food producing safety,
  • carrying on prophylactic medical examination among school children,
  • monitoring of providing qualitative, vitamin rich and safe nutrition at schools.
  • Development of co-operation with “Nazarbayev’s University” and other leading scientific organizations of the near and far abroad foreign countries in carrying out multi-disciplinary, multi-central scientific research works.
  • Formation of scientific-educational-practical consortiums uniting medical organizations of science, education, clinic and practical business.
  • Creation and development of innovative infrastructure (sector of innovations, section on manufacturing medicinal preparations, nursery of medicinal plants, educational-industrial chemist’s).
  • Increase of financing volume for scientific research works (republican and local budget, international and state grants and resources of the university).
  • Scientific researches on a commercial base
  • Increase of productivity (competitive new medical technologies) and efficacy  (publications) of scientific research works, integration and introduction of the university results of scientific activity into the educational process and practical public health.
  • Participation of professorial teaching staff in innovative ecological projects on the base of ecological monitoring laboratory.
  • Active participation of professorial teaching staff, PhD, masters, residents, students in the scientific activity.
  • development and realization of scientific  technical projects
  • publishing activity including publications in international peer-reviewed issues.
  • high index of quoting research works
  • teaching management and standards of scientific investigations
  • participation in international scientific-practical conferences, congresses and forums.
  • carrying on scientific probations the leading Universities of the world.


Development of therapeutic  consultative activity

Aim: creating optimal conditions for training competitive specialists using progressive forms and methods of teaching, up date achievements of medical science and practical public health, developing and introducing new methods of diagnostics and treatment for diseases; rendering highly specialized medical aid to the population.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years

  • Creation of innovative pattern of the university clinic, integrating into the educational-clinical and scientific process.
  • Development of new up-date directions of  clinical activity, introduction of effective methods of prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation of patients in the field of hepatology, psychotherapy, otomicrosurgery, telemedicine
  • Building the university clinic
  • Participation of professorial teaching staff in expert evaluation of difficult clinical cases.
  • Participation in rendering guaranteed free medical aid
  • Creation of unconventional medicine Centre


Development of staff

Aim — increasing competitiveness of the University through the development of potential of  personnel in the unity of  its professional and personal qualities  by introducing system of continuous training and retraining staff  for international level.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Organization of teaching the basic knowledge at the university level to professorial-teaching and administrative-managing staff.
  • Formation of personnel and managing reserve, its training at republic and international level.
  • Development of measuring results of personnel development criteria for their assessment.
  • Continuous teaching and reteaching university PTS on short-term qualification improving programs  on the base of the school of teachers named after Nassybullina.
  • Kaizen continuous improvement strategy implementation in student sphere.


Development of social-educational activity.

Aim: educating citizens, residing in a legal  State, who must possess definite knowledge (legal, political, economic and others), skills of critical thinking, analysing, collaborating and other valuable orientations  as respect to human rights, ability to compromise, dignity, civil consciousness and others, and also who wish to participate  in public useful activities and who has habits of healthy mode of life.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Active  role of students self-managing, delegating administrative functions and powers; students’ Government, Committee on youth affairs, Fund of students material support “Demeu”,
  • Debate club, Intellectual club, Info-Media-Centre, Students squad, Builders team  “Erikti zhastar toby”.
  • Searching new forms and directions of activity for growing, functioning and developing educational and social work system in up date conditions, using traditions and positive experience, accumulated by KazNMU staff for forming positive image of the university and corporative spirit among students and PTS.
  • Forming students’ volunteer movement- involving no more than 1% of students and 0,1% of PTS.
  • Purposeful moral-spiritual, legal, physical, cultural-mass and creative education of students and PTS — forming a completely developed  citizen and a patriot of the country.
  • Extending of informative activity of  KazNMU on social-educational development problems (site, mass media).
  • Developing of  social-partnership principles, forming and developing students’ volunteer movement, social defense of  PTS, orphans, invalids, not socially protected students and PTS,   students and PTS  from ecological disaster zones.


Development of international cooperation

Aim: university integration into the world scientific educational community.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Development of strategic partnership of university with leading educational and scientific-innovative centres of  far abroad countries on problems of developing education and science.
  • Internationalization of education due to inviting visiting professors from the world leading universities to take part in the educational process.
  • Development of the combined educational programs with the foreign partners.
  • Development of the combined special purpose  programs for improving qualification of workers  and PTS (at first on necessary specialties).
  • Collaboration with international organizations, funds, associations, involvement of international grants.
  • Participation in international educational programs as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Fulbright and others.
  • Participation in international scientific projects.
  • Increase of scientific-practical journal “KazNMU Vestnik” quoting index by participating authoritative foreign scientists in editorial group colleagues, publications of far abroad countries scientists, including the journal in the issues electronic data base.
  • Participation in international conferences, exhibitions, contests.