The Department of Distance Education is structural subdivision of University. It has responsibility for education planning, coordination and educational-methodical work by using distance education technologies.



The Head of Department – Khadjieva Aiman Berikkalievna,  candidate of Economic Science, docent.



The mission of the Department of Distance Education is ensuring high quality program in all distance education undergraduate and graduate programs.

The mission of the Department of Distance Education will be accomplished through the following strategic goals: an effective organization and coordination of the educational process by using distance education technologies at all levels of education; methodical ensuring educational process according to educational regulatory documents and standards; coordination of educational-methodical work of chairs, modules and courses in issues relating to distance education technology applications; coordination of monitoring educational quality; the integration of education, science and practice by using of scientific research results in educational process and building mutually beneficial relationships between educational, scientific organizations and innovative companies as  united system of distance education.