As part of the further systematization of data in scientometric systems, we ask everyone to register in the ORCID system http://orcid.org/. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique 16-digit code assigned to a scientist to uniquely identify his works and results. ORCID is designed to solve the problem of reliable binding of authors to works, which arises in most scientific information systems due to the coincidence of names and surnames, changes in surnames (including when marrying), etc. ORCID was created by a non-profit association of leading players in the scientific information market, including Elsevier, Thomson Reuters, IEEE, W3C, CrossRef, SSRN, MIT, ACM, CERN, Wellcome Trust and many others.

Using ORCID allows you to create a list of scientist’s articles from international databases and add information manually. Thus, a profile of a scientist is formed, which scientists around the world can get acquainted with when searching for colleagues on the topic of their research. To create a profile you need:

– register on the ORCID.org website (https://orcid.org/register);

– establish links between your profile and your articles in ResearcherID (Web of Science), Scopus and other databases (manual entry of papers that are not automatically attached is also possible.

Algorithm for obtaining ORCIDID
Go to the ORCID.org website (https://orcid.org/register).
Fill in the fields of the registration form
Establishing links between ORCHID ID and articles in international databases

In a personal profile, it is possible to enter information about your publications by importing it from other databases (in particular, Scopus, PubMed, ResearcherID, etc.), for this, in the “Works” section, select the “Add works” function and then the item “ Search & Link”, then select the desired database (all names are active links). III. Entering information about your publications manually. Works that are not reflected in the databases with which ORCID is connected can be entered manually. To do this, in the Works section, select the “Add works” function and then the “Add manually” item.

Articles in the scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” will also be accepted with ORCID authors.





Научно-практический медицинский журнал Вестник КазНМУ

Научные публикации, статьи, доклады, рефераты, диссертации, новости медицины, исследования в области фундаментальной и прикладной медицины, публикации журнала "Вестник КазНМУ" и газеты "Шипагер".


ONLINE ISSN 2524 - 0692

PRINT ISSN 2524 - 0684

Useful databases

Google Scholar Elibrary.ru Cyberleninka

About the journal

Описание журнала Редакция журнала СМИ о нас Рекомендуемые издания

Indexed by

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

© 2021 KazNMU