Аkinnurun Damilare Walex

23 Oct 2015  |  Опубликовано в Вопросы-ответы

Dear Аkinnurun Damilare Walex

Thank you for your letter.

I am writing to inform you on the preperatory department admition.

Please, be informed that we accept to the preperatory department those students who have complete secondary education or secondory professional education. Training is carried out on the following general subjects: Russian and Biology language.

Required documents are as following:

* Application for admission adressed to the Rector of the University (free form);

* identification documen/passport;

* document on education (certificate or diploma);

* copy of the license and / or certificate of accreditation of the institution;

* 6 photos 3 x 4 format;

* medical certificate №086 and HIV test;

* Documents on education issued by foreign educational organizations, undergo the procedure of nostrification in accordance with the rules of recognition and nostrification of documents on education, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For more detailed information please contact E-mail: [email protected]

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