Claims and Litigation Directorate

Tasks of the Directorate of Claims and Litigation:

  • representation of the University’s interests during the settlement of a legal dispute, in courts of various instances and other state bodies
  • settlement of conflict situations with contractors, partners and consumers of the services provided by the University
  • ensuring compliance of public procurement contracts with the requirements of the legislation, application of sanctions in case of non-fulfillment and improper fulfillment of obligations under these contracts
  • organization of analysis of the state of claims and litigation work, court practice on disputes involving the University in order to identify the main causes and conditions that led to the relevant court proceedings and make proposals for their elimination and bringing to responsibility of guilty officials
  • taking measures to appeal against judicial acts not in favor of the University, taking measures to enforce enforceable judicial acts relating to the interests of the University, interaction with bailiffs, implementation of procedures for enforcement proceedings

Main activities and functions of the Claims and Litigation Directorate :

  • representation of the University’s interests in court, as well as in other state bodies and organizations in accordance with the established procedure
  • methodical management of claims work, analysis of the state of work on submission and consideration of claims and judicial practice, submission of proposals to the management on consideration of identified shortcomings
  • organization and maintenance of claims and litigation work
  • participation in the work on conclusion of agreements (contracts), coordination of agreements on procurement of goods, works, services for the University
  • other functions, not reflected in this document, but falling within the competence of the Claims and Litigation Directorate and defined by internal regulatory documents of the University

РHead of the Claims and Litigation Directorate

Gaitova Maral

Telephone: ext.73-62


Lawyer: Bogatyreva Lidiya
Rectorate building, 1st floor, room No. 108
Email: [email protected]

Lawyer: Madikhan Murat
Rectorate building, 1st floor, room No. 108
Telephone: ext.:7515
Email: [email protected]