In NAO “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov” according to Article 39 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 142 of January 16, 2001 “On non-profit organizations” operates a control body – an independent Internal Audit Service, which is subordinate and accountable to the Board of Directors.
In carrying out its activities the Service shall be guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, decisions of the Sole Shareholder, Regulations and other regulatory documents governing the work of the Internal Audit Service of the Company.
The main purpose of the Internal Audit Service is to provide the Board of Directors of ANAO “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov” with independent and objective assurance and advice aimed at improving the risk management, internal control and corporate governance systems in the Company.
The primary objectives of the IAS in audits are to conduct analysis and evaluation:
- indicators of financial and economic, clinical and educational activities of the University;
- efficiency of use of the result-oriented budget;
- risk management of the internal control system at the University;
- reliability, completeness, objectivity and reliability of the accounting system, information (plans and reports) of the University, as well as assessment of the rules (principles, methods) used to identify, measure, classify and provide such information (plans and reports) to internal and external users;
- rationality and efficiency of the use of resources, assets and applied methods (techniques) to ensure their accounting, safety (recovery) and/or security (protection);
- the University’s compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal policies and other documents, as well as the effectiveness of systems and procedures established and applied to ensure compliance with these requirements;
- the University’s compliance with the decisions and instructions (proposals) of the authorized (supervisory) state bodies;
- methodological support and coordination of IAS activities of the University’s subsidiaries and jointly controlled organizations;
- efficiency of the corporate governance system and the process of its improvement, compliance with ethical standards and values.

Head of the Internal Audit Service
Kozhakhmetova Karakoz Sabetbekovna
Rector’s office, room 233.
Telephone: +7 727 338 70 90, ind.7340
e-mail:[email protected]
Auditor for academic activities – Balmakhanova Inkar Askarovna
Rector’s office, room 237.
Telephone: ext.70-94
e-mail: [email protected]
Auditor for financial activities – Omarov Nursultan Erlikuly
Rector’s office, room 237.
Telephone: ext.70-09
e-mail: [email protected]
Clinical Auditor – .
Rector’s office, room 237.
Telephone: ext.70-09