About the Department
The Department of Strategic Development and International Cooperation is an independent structural unit of the University.
The Department is directly subordinate to the Chairman of the Board — the Rector for Strategic Development of the University and the First Vice-Rector for International Affairs
The main goal of the Department is:
Strategic planning and development of the University’s activities, taking into account priority areas for the development of the education, science and healthcare sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, establishment and development of external relations and cooperation with foreign partners
Department structure:
The objectives of the Department include:
- Developing strategic directions for the University’s activities in alignment with national projects focusing on the development of education, science, and healthcare in Kazakhstan;
- Monitoring the University’s activities in implementing the Development Program, identifying opportunities for improvement, and achieving target indicators utilizing existing personnel, technical, and functional capabilities;
- Enhancing the system for monitoring and evaluating strategic indicators and key performance indicators of the University and its subsidiaries by collecting, compiling, reconciling, and analyzing data from structural divisions;
- Developing and presenting recommendations based on analysis for the organizational structure and overall development of the University;
- Implementing tasks related to international cooperation and the internationalization of University activities;
- Collecting information, conducting analysis, and generating analytical materials on global trends in higher and postgraduate medical education, science, and clinics;
- Participation in the organization and analysis of the effectiveness of academic mobility of teaching staff;
- Developing, supporting the conclusion, and monitoring the implementation of Memorandums of Cooperation in education, science, and clinics with foreign partners;
Department location and work schedule
Address: 050012, Almaty, Tole bi st, 94 Rectorate of KazNMU, 2nd floor, office № 218
Working hours: from 8:30 to 18:00
Break from 12:30 to 14:00

Head of the Department:
Stepkina Yelena Leonidovna
Md PhD, Excellent worker of Public Health
Contact: 8(727) 3387000 (ext. 7019)
E-mail:[email protected]