Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of JSC “KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov” Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ibraeva Anel Shamilyevna
e-mail: [email protected]
1. The Scientific Council is a form of collegial management for coordinating educational, scientific and clinical activities.
2. The functioning of the Scientific Council is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal regulatory documents of the University, and the Regulations of the Scientific Council.
3. The activities of the Scientific Council are based on the transparency of collective discussion of issues within its competence, ensuring the possibility of broad public discussion and collective decision-making on issues, current problems and development prospects of the University.
4. The term of office of the Scientific Council is 3 years.
5. The Scientific Council is headed by the Rector of JSC “KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov” – Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Scientific Council, Marat Shoranov.
The tasks of the Scientific Council are:
- Consideration of issues related to educational-methodological, clinical, scientific, international, and other activities of the University;
- Ensuring the competitiveness of the University in the domestic and foreign educational services markets;
- Creating necessary conditions for students and the teaching staff of the University for the successful implementation of professional educational programs;
- Providing financial support and strengthening the material and technical base of the University;
- Compliance with the requirements of the quality management system, University quality policy, and other internal regulatory documents of the University in the field of quality;
- Compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption management system, anti-corruption policy, internal regulatory documents, and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning anti-corruption;
- Promoting the further development of the University.
Main functions:
- Combining collective efforts to solve urgent development tasks of the University, within the competence of the Scientific Council;
- Ensuring high-quality training of specialists in accordance with state educational standards of higher and postgraduate education.