About Us
The Center for Pharmacy and Pharmacology is a structural subdivision of the Science and Technology Park.
The Center includes:
– The Scientific and Practical Control and Analytical Laboratory of Chemistry and Pharmacognosy;
– The Scientific and Educational Pharmacopoeia Center;
– The Scientific and Practical Laboratory of Cosmetology.
The main goal of the Center is to create an infrastructure for the development of research activities, the implementation of innovative scientific research, and the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activities. This contributes to the modernization and development of the scientific potential of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov in the field of composition development, technology, and quality assessment of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products, stimulating the activities of the departments, scientific communities of the University in organizing research work in the field of pharmacy, further developing the integration of education, science, and the implementation of innovations in practice.
To achieve its goals, the Center addresses the following tasks:
- Assisting in the development and implementation of scientific and scientific-technical programs and projects, including fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmacy in accordance with the University’s Research Work Plans;
- Creating experimental sites and assisting in the preparation of master’s and doctoral dissertations in accordance with the Center’s profile;
- Conducting laboratory and practical classes in the training of specialists in “Pharmacy” and “Pharmaceutical Production Technology,” assigned to the School of Pharmacy;
- Organizing cooperation and conducting joint research with domestic and foreign universities and partners;
- Creating conditions for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activities;
- Providing consulting services for the creation of formulations and support for the registration process of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products;
- Developing general and specific pharmacopoeial articles of the EAEU Pharmacopoeia (EAEU Ph), methodological guidelines, and documents regulating the activities of the EAEU Ph;
- Implementing modern scientific knowledge and technical solutions in the field of pharmaceutical analysis into the development of EAEU pharmacopoeial standards;
- Providing expert evaluation of projects of general and specific pharmacopoeial articles of the EAEU Pharmacopoeia, methodological guidelines, and documents developed by other EAEU member states;
- Determining the quality of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products, as well as the quality of medicines in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU Ph;
- Participating in the retraining and professional development of teaching staff and employees of the pharmaceutical industry in accordance with the Center’s profile;
Composition of the Center for Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Head of the Center for Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Liliya Nikolaevna Ibragimova
Email: [email protected]
Head of the Scientific and Practical Control and Analytical Laboratory of Chemistry and Pharmacognosy – Bakhtiyar Ordabekuly Minbayev
Email: [email protected]
Head of the Scientific and Educational Pharmacopoeia Center – Ardak Urinbasarovna Tulegenova
Email: [email protected]
Head of the Scientific and Practical Laboratory of Cosmetology – Zoya Bakbergenkyzy Allambergenova
Email: [email protected]