Administrative Department

The main goals of the department are the organization, maintenance, and improvement of the University’s documentation support system based on a unified document management system and the application of digital technologies in document handling; the preservation of the historical heritage in healthcare; and the fostering of youth patriotism and pride in the achievements of domestic medicine.

Department Tasks:

  • Improving the University’s documentation support system.
  • Ensuring control over the timely execution of orders from the Head of State, the Presidential Administration, the Parliament, the Government, and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as implementing normative legal acts within the University’s competence.
  • Monitoring compliance with deadlines for reviewing written appeals from individuals and representatives of legal entities.
  • Coordinating and organizing personal receptions of citizens by the University’s senior management.
  • Organizing electronic document management and preparing documents for archiving.
  • Ensuring the preservation, accounting, acceptance for storage, value examination, and use of documents stored in the University archive and timely transferring them for permanent storage to the “Central State Archive” of the Committee for Archives, Documentation, and Book Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Providing methodological guidance in improving record-keeping and archival work both at the University and its subordinate institutions.
  • Complying with the quality management system requirements, the University’s quality policy, and other internal regulatory documents on quality.

The Department`s functions:

  • Ensuring a unified documentation procedure, organizing record-keeping, and analyzing and controlling the state of document flow in the University’s structural divisions.
  • Recording and analyzing compliance by the University’s structural divisions with the documentation and management rules within the University system.
  • Forming and maintaining the University’s archive.
  • Compiling the University’s case nomenclature in cooperation with the University’s structural divisions.
  • Ensuring the compilation of case inventories, conducting document value examinations, accepting cases into the archive, transferring archival documents for state storage, accounting for document movement in the archive, and compiling acts for the destruction of documents with expired retention periods.
  • Monitoring and controlling the timely execution of orders from the Head of State, the Presidential Administration, the Government, and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and implementing normative legal acts within the University’s competence.
  • Developing an annual schedule for citizen receptions by the University’s management.
  • Recording individuals and representatives of legal entities for personal receptions by the University’s management.
  • Ensuring the accounting of oral appeals from individuals and representatives of legal entities.

Department Structure:

  • Documentation Support and Control Division
  • Archive
  • Museum
  • Secretariat

Department composition

Head of the Administrative Department:

Ashirbayeva Shynar Muratovna

Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 77-57

Documentation Support and Control Division:

Address: 94 Tole Bi St., 1st building, 1st floor, Room 107
Head of Division: Lazzat Yerdauletkyzy
Email: [email protected]

Specialist: Gaipova Dinara Mukhtarkyzy
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 71-49
Email: [email protected]

Specialist: Bakhyt Zhazira Nurlankyzy
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 73-75
Email: [email protected]

Specialist: Seiduldayeva Aizhan Nyshanovna
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 73-76
Email: [email protected]

Specialist: Makizhanova Panarkul Temirtaevna
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 71-51
Email: [email protected]


Address: 94 Tole Bi St., Anatomical Building, 1st floor, Room 138
Head: Khovrich Nadezhda Andreyevna
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 73-73
Email: [email protected]

Specialist: Zhumagulova Didar Buralkina
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 73-73
Email: [email protected]

Binder: Kaynbaeva Gauhar Suleymenovna
Phone: +7 727 338-70-30 ext. 73-73


Address: 94 Tole Bi St., 1st building, 1st floor, Room 117
Head of Museum: Amantaev Bakanay Amantaevich
Phone: +7 727 338-70-90 ext. 75-87

Chief Art-Restorer: Sagimbaeva Kulnazira Syzdykova
Phone: +7 727 338-70-90 ext. 73-69

Chief Curator of the Museum: Baitulenova Fatima Tanatovna
Phone: +7 727 338-70-90 ext. 73-69