The Graduates Career Center supports and promotes the mission of NJSC “KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov”, promotes the effective employment of graduates and their adaptation to modern labor market requirements.
Services of Center:
- Center specialists Consulting on employment issues by planned events to provide support to students and graduates of the University.
- Establishing connections between University graduates and employers through recruiting and networking events.
- Training graduates on self-presentation skills (rules for writing a CV, rules of conduct during an interview).
- Promotion of the expression of personal skills, realization of potential and professional aspirations of students.
Employment of graduates of S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
The employment rate of KazNMU graduates over the past three years remains high.
- For 2021- the employment rate was 99.5%
- For 2022- the employment rate was 99.0%
- For 2023-the employment rate was 99%
The total number of graduates of 2023 was 2560, of which 1793 graduates received education on the basis of an educational grant.
Form September to October 2023, the Center carried out work to collect information (certificates and orders were collected from workplaces, places of study) for graduates.
The total number of expected graduates for the 2023-2024 academic year. 2958 Number of expected graduates from training programs:
- Bachelor’s – 1124
- Degree-1 Internship-1109
- Residensy-568
- Master’s degree-131
- Doctoral degree-26
Total 2958
Of these, students studying under the Local Implementer Authority grant:
- Residency-149
- Undergraduate-1
Of these, students studying on the basis of a state grant:
- Internship -677
- Residency-364
- Master’s degree-72
- Doctorant-25
Of these, students studying under the rural quota:
- Bachelor’s degree-11
- Internship-121
Total grant-1738 units.

Head of the graduate career center
Kossaliyev Almat Yeraliyevich
Telephone: вн:75-31
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
The Graduates Career Center
Main Specialist – Kashaganova Zhamila Tugelbaevna
Байланыс: 338-70-90(71-01)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Main Specialist – Abzhanova Kulimkhan Kurmantayevna
Telephone: 338-70-90(75-32)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Specialist – Yesimbekova Perizat Muratbekovna
Telephone: 338-70-90(75-32)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Specialist – Suleimanova Jamilya Isabalyevna
Telephone: 338-70-90(71-01)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]