Dissertation Council

About Us

A Dissertation Council is a collegial body within higher education institutions where doctoral dissertations are defended.


 To develop scientific potential and provide an objective assessment of the outcomes of dissertation research through the examination of works completed by doctoral candidates.


  • Determine the compliance of dissertations submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with the criteria established by the Regulation on the Awarding of Doctor of Philosophy Degrees;
  • Award the Doctor of Philosophy degree;
  • Provide additional evaluations of dissertations defended in other Dissertation Councils;
  • Provide opinions on the results of appeals regarding the awarding of degrees in cases of procedural violations related to the submission and defense of dissertations.


  1. Acceptance of documents for dissertation defense and assessment of their compliance with requirements;
  2. Scheduling the defense date and appointing official reviewers for the dissertation work;
  3. Creating a commission from among the council members and other experts to check the dissertation for the use of borrowed material without proper citation and ensuring the completeness of preliminary examination at the Scientific Committee meeting with the involvement of all interested specialists;
  4. Conducting public defense of the dissertation work;
  5. Withdrawing the dissertation from defense.

Functions of Dissertation Council Members:


  1. Oversees the overall management of the Dissertation Council’s activities;
  2. Conducts meetings of the Dissertation Council;
  3. Ensures compliance with the requirements for the conduct of dissertation defenses;
  4. Holds responsibility for the activities and organization of the Dissertation Council’s work.

Deputy Chair:

 – Performs the functions of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or when the Chair is the scientific advisor of the defended dissertation.

Scientific Secretary:

  1. Ensures the compliance of documents submitted by the doctoral candidate with the established requirements;
  2. Prepares the doctoral candidate’s attestation file after the dissertation defense;
  3. Ensures a quorum at Dissertation Council meetings;
  4. Prepares the necessary documentation for conducting Dissertation Council meetings;
  5. Prepares quarterly reports on decisions made by the Dissertation Council regarding the awarding of the Doctor of Philosophy degree and reports on the Council’s activities.

 Members of the Dissertation Council:

  1. Provide objective, complete, and accurate information on the matters under consideration;
  2. Do not conceal data related to the defense of dissertations;
  3. Respond to violations of scientific ethics;
  4. Make decisions free from the influence of public opinion, one of the parties, or third parties;
  5. Take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest;
  6. Avoid using rude or offensive language, accusations that damage the honor and dignity of other members of the Dissertation Council, doctoral candidates, scientific advisors, and official reviewers.


Dissertation Council reports


List of documents