- Enhancing the University’s market presence and bolstering its competitiveness by meeting the needs of both domestic and international consumers. This will be achieved by implementing an evolving system that promotes educational, research, clinical, and other services, guided by the University’s developed and deployed marketing strategy.
- Providing information to the University’s structural units through the official website, corporate email, etc.
- Ensuring constant and effective two-way communication between the University’s leadership and various community groups, media outlets, and legal entities.
- Informational support for the activities of the University and its departments.
- Assisting journalists in covering the activities of the University and its departments.
- Monitoring the media, studying trends in changing public opinion on University activities, and evaluating the media’s impact.
- Developing and implementing activities based on the media plan for the calendar year.
- Preparing and disseminating official messages, press releases, statements, and other informational materials related to the University’s activities.
- Interaction with the press services of public organizations, government bodies, and media outlets.
- Conducting informational events in collaboration with interested media.
- Strengthening the University’s image. Creating a unified associative-visual image of the University for the target audience.
- Enhancing the University’s presence in the communication-information space. Expanding the University’s information and communication space.
- Providing information support for all areas of the University’s activities and specific projects.
- Formulating and monitoring the implementation of the University’s marketing strategy.
- Organizing and conducting marketing research.
- Improving the University’s efficiency in marketing activities;
- Formulating proposals for establishing the University’s competitive advantage;
- Analyzing the University’s pricing policies within market trends;
- Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing initiatives;
- Conducting comprehensive market research;
- Analyzing the University’s internal environment;
- Performing an analysis of the satisfaction level with the services provided by the University;
- Assisting in the promotion of educational, research, clinical, and other services offered by the University;
- Planning and organizing staff training on marketing issues;
- Market analysis: collecting, processing, and providing the leadership with analytical information on the market’s current state and development trends;
- Collaborating with the University’s media communications department in developing advertising content for official information sources (website, social media).

Head of the press service
Tyan Marina Alexandrovna
Contact: 8 727 338 70 44 (ext. 7152)
Press service staff of KazNMU
Head of the Media Communications Departmen: Onerbayev Adil Maratovich
Contact: 8 727 338 70 44 (ext. 7331)
Chief specialist: Akhmetov Alisher Kasymovich
Specialist: Koilibay Azimbek Abdikululy
Designer: Kopachevsky Arseniy Viktorovich
Photographer: Erzhan Kurmanbai