B. Atchabarov scientific- research institute of fundamental and applied medicine

B. Atchabarov scientific- research institute of fundamental and applied medicine (B. Atchabarov SRI FAM) is a structural unit of the University, built into the infrastructure of the scientific-technological park.

The main goals of the B. Atchabarov SRI FAM are:

  • Training of highly qualified specialists with higher education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high basic level of fundamental medical and biological knowledge, proficient in modern methods and technologies in healthcare, based on the integration of educational, research and innovation activities;
  • Strengthening the University’s position as the country’s leading scientific and educational complex for training elite specialists and teams of world-class professionals to staff the national healthcare system;
  • Development of fundamental and applied scientific research on current problems and areas of medicine.

The structural divisions of B. Atchabarov SRI FAM :

Functions of the B. Atchabarov SRI FAM:

  • Organization based on the educational and practical process in the following main areas:
    • Clinical and laboratory diagnostics;
    • Clinical and experimental studies;
    • Experimental pharmacology;
    • Holding thematic events according to the profile.
  • Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of basic educational programs:
    • Consolidation of scientific and educational potential through the creation and organizing the activities of temporary scientific teams;
    • Ensuring the interaction of fundamental and applied science with educational process at all its stages;
    • Attracting University students to scientific research, providing scientific and methodological support when students and employees carry out research work.
  • Material and technical support for educational and scientific processes:
    • Creation of a centralized scientific clinical diagnostic laboratories for University clinics;
  • Research and expert activities:
    • Conducting scientific research of fundamental and applied character in various areas of medical science;
    • Development of legal documents regulating research activities at the University;
    • Consultation of structural units on the implementation of scientific and research work;
    • Participation in republican, foreign and international scientific- research projects organized on the basis of government programs, programs of international health organizations and initiative projects;
    • Provision of expert and consulting services in the field of laboratory medicine, clinical laboratory diagnostics.
  • Clinical and diagnostic activities:
    • Provision of paid consulting, laboratory, diagnostic and clinical and experimental services of third-party organizations, incl. Research Institute.
  • Cooperation and international activities:
    • Establishing connections with scientific exchange centers of other countries experience between scientists, teachers, undergraduates and students;
    • Establishing business contacts with government agencies management of healthcare and education, Kazakh, foreign and international healthcare and education organizations in the field, organization of mutually beneficial forms of cooperation;
    • Organization of invitations to leading scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialists from other countries, including through the “Visiting Professor” line;
    • Participation and assistance in holding conferences, symposiums, seminars on topical issues of fundamental medicine with the participation of students, graduate students, and researchers.

Head of the B. Atchabarov SRI FAM

Timur Muidinovich Saliev

Contact: (ext. 72-25)