Sustainable development

“Green offices are a great way to integrate education for development across universities, impact on teaching and learning, the physical campus and student life.”

Miriam Tereick

The Green Office is a development platform that empowers students and staff to embed development principles into curriculum, research, operations, communities and management.

Benefits of a green office:

  • Empowering students and staff to launch more projects.
  • Strengthening collaboration between initiatives.
  • Implementing sustainability in our university.


The Green Office is the central hub where fresh minds and hands come together to support the sustainable development of KazNMU.

Our vision for a sustainable university!

• Educators encourage students to explore sustainability topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and through real-world projects.
• Researchers collaborate with NGOs, businesses and cities to find answers to sustainability challenges.
• Staff embed sustainability into buildings, laboratories and procurement. They also work with educators so that students learn by doing through sustainability projects at the university.
• Students engage with sustainability issues through student groups, course projects, volunteer programs, and internships.
• University leadership places sustainability at the center of the university’s strategy and allocates funds to implement it.


Mission – sustainability

The Green Office realizes its vision by making the university’s policies tangible in the daily lives of its students and staff by:
• informing them
• involving them
• giving them the opportunity to act

Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable development
Sustainable development and climate change policy for 2024-2050