Harmonization and mutual recognition of master’s programs in the field of occupational health and the environment


Between 18.01.2023-19.01.2023 in the State Educational Institution «Tajik State Medical University named afterAbuali ibni Sino» a meeting of the coordinators of the HARMONEE project «Harmonization and mutual recognition of master’s programs in the field of occupational health and the environment» took place (618829-EPR-1-2020-1- IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), organized by the coordinator of this university, Egamnazarov Huseyn Nazarovich. The coordinator of the project for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the «NAO» Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, Professor of the Department of Public Health, MD, Professor Toguzbayeva Karlygash Kabdeshevna took part in this meeting. At this conference, topical issues related to the implementation of this project were discussed, in particular, the development of innovative new modules to strengthen interdisciplinary skills needed in the field of public health, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, impact sciences, occupational hygiene, risk assessment for masters.