“KazNMU faculty competence model”


Onabase of Nassybullina School of teaching excellence carrie doutat first time professional development course on the theme for Academic staff of AsfendiyarovKazNMU since December 14, 2015 till January 15, 2016 with total amount 216 hours. The course consists of below blogs:

  1. Effective teacher

SholpanRamazanova – Candidate of Medical Science, the associate professor of the chair of internship and residency on pediatrics No. 1

Dina Karibayeva – Candidate of Medical Science, head teacher of the chair

  1. The researcher in medical educations

GaukharKurmanova – Professor of the chair of internship and residency on pediatrics No. 1

  1. The expert in an assessment of knowledge and skills/educational programs and the leader/manager in medical education

RustamYussupov – director of NassybullinaSchool of teaching excellence

  1. Effective user of IT technologies

YerdanMukhaliyev – assistant of the chair of pediatric infectious diseases

  1. Effective communicator

Marat Assimov – Doctor of Medical Science, professor, the head of the Center of Communicative skills of J.Draper, the head of the department of communicative skills of fundamentals of psychotherapy, general and medical psychology

DaurenDochshanov – the assistant of the chair of communicative skills of fundamentals of psychotherapy, general and medical psychology

Svetlana Mizonova – the chief specialist of the Center of communicative skills.


Program was carried out for Academic staff from first achievement degree.  On the training attended 37 people in total. By results of training and attendance were issued25 certificateson professional development. Every attendee/reefer filled the questionnaires of feedback, which analysis showed high program contentment (95% excellent, 5% good), teacher’s work (91% excellent, 9% good). (Analysisresult is on a site.)