Department staff


Head of the chair
Azhibekova Zhanar Zhubandykovna


Azhibekova Zhanar Zhubandykovna
In 1993 she graduated Physics specialty of al-Farabi Kazakh National University and has obtained «Physicist. Teacher of physics» specialty.
From 1993 till 1995 she worked as an assistant of Physics chair in Kazakh Autotransport Institute.
In 1995 she was senior laboratory assistant of Physics chair in Asfendyarov State medical university, in 1995 she became a teacher and from 2000 has started to work as a senior teacher of medical biophysics, informatics and mathematics chair and from 2003 she became an associate professor of the chair.
In 09.10.2003 on Dissertation Council of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University has defended master’s thesis on topic «Methodic of studying ways of information representation in informatics course in medical high schools» and got candidate master’s degree of pedagogical sciences.
As the result of research done Azhibekova Zh.Zh. has published 3 education guidances, 55 scientific articles and 5 electronic textbooks. The students under her guidance have riched high achievements in scientific research competitions and she has been awarded by diplomas.
Since 2012 Azhibekova Zh.Zh. has been the head of Informatics module, 2016-2020 she was head of «Informatics with biophysics course», since 2020, she has been working as the head of the Department of Information and communication technologies.

Shadinova Kunsulu Seidazovna

Shadinova Kunsulu Seidazovna
candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor
Education: Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University. Physics, Informatics specialty 1994.
Scientific position: candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor;
Since 2001 is a teacher, since 2003 is a senior teacher, since 2005 is an associate professor.
● certificate of honor of the MES RK, 2019
● certificate of honor of the School of Dentistry, 2019

Scientific direction: Methods of teaching informatics in medical institutions.

Scientific works:
● Shadinova K.S. Мектептегі физика курсының электроникалық практикумы// Training manual. Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2004. 245 p.
● Shadinova K.S. Основы электроники и схемотехники // Training manual. Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2008. 444 p.
● Shadinova K.S. Мектеп физика курсында электрониканы оқыту әдістемесінің негіздері.// Monograph. Almaty, Abai KazNPU, 2009. 293 p.
● Shadinova K.S. Мектеп физика курсы және электроника. // Training manual. Almaty: Abai KazNPU, 2010. 171 p.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Арифметико-логическое устройство»,
International scientific journal of the RK «Search». №4. 2014, P. 261-267.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. Монтаж и исследование цифро-аналогового преобразователя. International scientific journal of the RK «Search». №4. 2014, P. 267-272.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. On improving the experimental base of electrodynamics. Bulletin of Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn. 2014, P. 133-138.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. Random access memory. International scientific journal of the RK «Search». 2015, P. 25-29.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. Монтаж и исследование аналого-цифрового преобразователя (АЦП) типа «напряжение-цифра». Research and education center «Knowledge, Perspectives and Science — 2015». Proceedings of the I International correspondence contest of research works. 2015. P. 84-95.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Radiation and annealing processes in binary alloys of titanium», Theoretical & Applied Science Journal. №04 (24) 31.05.2015, P. 10-14 бет. Qstersund, Sweden.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Использования активных и инновационных методов обучения в университете». International journal of applied and fundamental research. Moscow. №5 (3rd part), 2016. P. 468-472.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Логические элементы на интегральных микросхемах». International journal of applied and fundamental research. Moscow. №5 (3rd part), 2016. P. 382-385.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Комбинированный электроизмерительный прибор». Moscow. №5 (3rd part), 2016. P. 378-381.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. «Асинхронные и трактируемые RS- тригеры. International journal of applied and fundamental research. Moscow. №2. 2017. P. 11-16.
● Shadinova K.S., et al. Комбинированные RS-D-и универсальные JK-триггеры. International journal of applied and fundamental research. Moscow. №5-2. 2017. P. 227-231.

Courses and trainings:
● Institute for advanced training and additional education of Al Farabi KazNU on «Information and Communication Technologies» specialty, 144 hours, 2018;
● Advanced training in «Biotechnology» Research Center under the program: «Bioinformatics and Biotechnology». al-Farabi KazNU, 2019.
● Seminar «Teacher of medical education and science organizations», (54 hours), 17.02.2020-21.02.2020, NJSC Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
● Seminar-training «Distance technologies in education», 10-15 August, 2020 (36 hours); NJSC Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
● Online training «Create educational videos», (36 hours), 2020.

Rakhimbayeva Gulbarshyn Sabetovna

Rakhimbayeva Gulbarshyn Sabetovna

Education: Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University. Mathematics specialty 1993.
Scientific position: Master of Informatics science
From 2005 is a teacher, since 2008 has become a senior teacher.
Scientific direction: Methods of teaching computer science in medical institutions.
Award: certificate of honor of the MES RK
Scientific works:
Дәлелді медицина әдістемесі// KazNMU Messenger. Scientific and practical journal №4. 2012.
Мемлекеттік тілдегі медициналық терминдер// KazNMU Messenger. Scientific and practical journal №4. 2012.
Эффективность применение информационной технологии// Международной заочной научно-практической конференции «Проблемы развития науки и образования: теория и практика». Moscow. 15-16 p. 30.09.2013.
● Informational systems in public sector// Theoretical & Applied Science №2(10) volume 1. Linkoping, Sweden. 60-63 p. 28.02.2014
● «MS WORD-2010 text processor» education guidance, 2014.
● Оқытуда TBL әдісін қолданудың тиімділігі// Astana medical journal №2 (80) 2014., 145-147 p.
Дене мүшелерімен жасалатын бейвербалды амалдар
//Young scientists and students’ materials collection.
2014-2015. KazNMU. 171-174 p.
● Оқу үрдісінде интеллект-карта қолданудың тиімділігі//Astana medical journal, №4(86) 2015. 273-278 p. Astana.
● Оқу үрдісінде когнитивті педагогикалық технологияны пайдаланудың тиімділігі// Kazakh university of economy, finance and international trade, Young scientists and students’ materials collection, 1st tom, Astana-2015., 181-183 p.
● Применение информационных систем в здравоохранеиия. Internauka 8(2) 18-2p, Moscow 2017
● Развитие телемедицины. Internauka 8 18-22p, Moscow 2017
● Компьютерлік бағдарламалардың мединицинада қолданылуы» Internauka. scientific journal №12(46) 2018. 83-89р
Nur-sultan, 2020. 22-23 p
Advanced training
«Information systems» in the amount of 144 hours. Al-Farabi Kazakh national University 2015
«Distance learning technologies in higher education» in the amount of 72 hours. Two thousand nineteen
«Teacher of medical organizations of education and science» in the amount of 54 hours. Two thousand twenty

Dzhakhanova Baktykul Nursagatovna

Dzhakhanova Baktykul Nursagatovna

Education: Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University. Physics, Astronomy specialties 1996.
Scientific position: «Master of Education Sciences»
From 1997 is a teacher, since 2006 is senior teacher.
Scientific direction: Methods of teaching computer science in medical institutions.
➢ «Certificate of honor» KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, 2017
➢ «Thank you letter» KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, 2017
➢ «Thank you letter» KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, 2017
➢ Diploma «Qualified teacher», KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, 2017
➢ «Thank you letter» МОН РК 2019г.
➢ Scientific direction: methods of teaching informatics in medical universities.
Scientific works:
➢ Methodology for teaching molecular physics and thermodynamics in schools and universities. AGU «Khabarshy», No. (7), Almaty 2003.
➢ Application of Tamm theory to the breakdown of dielectrics. Collection scientific works dedicated to the 70th anniversary of S.A. Zhienkulov volume 2,
Almaty, 2003.
➢ Study of adsorboluminescence when exposed to low-temperature plasma. Collection of scientific papers dedicated to the 70th anniversary S.A. Zhienkulova volume 2., Almaty, 2003.

➢ Improving the mentality of physics teachers. “The role of transport in development of virgin and fallow lands «. Collection of scientific papers, Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the development of the virgin lands. Almaty, 2004
➢ Some ideas about the formation of students’ ideas about molecular physics in high school. «The role of transport in the development virgin and fallow lands «. Collection of scientific papers, Dedicated to 50-anniversary of the development of the virgin lands. Almaty, 2004
➢ Methods for determining the number of degrees of freedom and the number of collisions between gas molecules. «Topical issues of psychology and pedagogy in
medicine «. KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Bulletin. Almaty, 2004
➢ Some features of teaching methodology first start thermodynamics. «Topical issues of psychology and pedagogy in medicine «. KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Bulletin. Almaty, 2004
➢ Methods for studying the effect of gamma radiation on changes in quantity leukocytes in the blood of people. «Topical issues of psychology and pedagogy in medicine «. KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Bulletin. Almaty, 2004
➢ Teaching methods of studying the second law of thermodynamics. «Topical issues of psychology and pedagogy in medicine.» KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Bulletin. Almaty, 2004
➢ Nuclear Reactors and Their Safety (Study Guide Part One). KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2005.
➢ Nuclear Reactors and Their Safety (Tutorial Part Two). KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2005.
➢ Methodology of teaching thermodynamics in medical universities of the 4th international scientific conf. «Modern achievements of physics and fundamental
physical education «. KazNU named after al-Farabi. Almaty, 2005
➢ Application of statistical methods in molecular physics. ZhSSh «Nur-Pring» -75. Almaty, 2005
➢ The method of applying the first law of thermodynamics to zoprocessam. Typography of ZSSH «Nur-Pring» -75. Almaty, 2005
➢ Explain the structure of substances and the interaction of molecules. Materials ІІІ
inter.scientific-method.conference. «Mathematical modeling and information. technologies in education and science «. KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2005.
➢ Features of teaching methods of the first and second principles thermodynamics Proceedings of the III international scientific-methodological conference. «Mathematical modeling and information. Technology in education and science «. KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2005.
➢ A method for establishing the connection between thermodynamics and molecular
physics. Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference: Linguistic and methodological aspects of teaching language disciplines. KazNMU-75, Almaty, 2006
➢A method for interpreting the heat capacity of a substance by quantum theory.
Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference:
Linguistic and methodological aspects of teaching language disciplines. KazNMU-75, Almaty, 2006
➢ Linking the first law of thermodynamics with the Dulong-Petit law. International scientific and technical conference «Modern problems transport equipment «. KIEU. Almaty, 2006
➢ The method of applying the first and second laws of thermodynamics to biological processes. International scientific and technical conference «Modern problems of transport technology.» KIEU. Almaty, 2006
➢ Diffusion in semiconductors and dielectrics (Tutorial). KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2007
➢ Radiation damage to solids (Textbook) KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, 2007
➢ Methods for studying and studying the physical properties of substances. ZhSSh. «Nur-Print «75, Almaty, 2007.
➢ The initial method of presenting the second law of thermodynamics. Physics and Physical Education: Achievements and Development Prospects. Bishkek, 2008
➢ Modern method of explaining the first law of thermodynamics. Physics
and Physical Education: Achievements and Development Prospects. Bishkek, 2008
➢ The importance of using interactive teaching technologies in training of future doctors. Scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Modern technologies of education in the higher school of the Republic Kazakhstan «, 2011
➢ Development of lithospheric processes in the northern Tien Shan in the era neotectonics. Modern problems of continuum mechanics, Bishkek 2013
➢ Development of a block-tiered model of the lithosphere of the northern Tien Shan for computer modeling «Izdenis» — «Poisk», No. 1 (1), Almaty, 2014g.
➢ Brief information about the water elements of the last years of KazGASA. International scientific method. Conference «Topical issues of natural scientific disciplines «. Almaty, 2013
➢ Computer software: Windows operating system //Electronic journal, http: // php? fileid = 98665393, 2013
➢ Features of the use of innovative teaching technologies in educational process // Bulletin of KazNMU. No. 4-2015
➢ Combined electrical measuring device. //Journal «International Journal of Applied and Basic Research» No. 5 (part 3), Moscow. 2016
➢The use of modern nanotechnology in the media is our future. Materials of the V Republican scientific and practical conference young scientists «World Council for Information information education in the hands of a competitive teacher «. Almaty, 2017
➢ Artificial intelligence is the future of civilization. Almanac of World Science, 2017. No. 3-1 (18), Lyubertsy.
➢ How modern technologies have changed our lives. Almanac of the world Science, 2017. No. 3-1 (18), Lyubertsy.
➢ The first step in the evolution of modern man. Almanac of the world Science, 2017. No. 3-1 (18), Lyubertsy.
➢ Impact of new technologies on our health. Materials V Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists «The world information educational space in the hands competitive teacher «. Almaty, 2017
➢ The role of modern technology in solving global issues. Republican scientific-practical conference «Problems of mathematical and computer modeling and modern teaching technologies natural science «, Almaty, 2017
➢ Opportunities of information and communication technologies and their place in the child’s life. Republican scientific and practical conference “Problems of Mathematical and Computer modeling and modern technologies of teaching natural science «,
Almaty, 2017
➢ Impact of modern social networks on youth. Republican scientific-practical conference «Problems of mathematical and computer modeling and modern teaching technologies natural science «, Almaty, 2017
➢ The era of technology is the lot of man. Republican scientific and practical conference “Problems of Mathematical and Computer modeling and modern technologies of teaching natural science «, Almaty, 2017
➢ Interconnection of modern technology with the gaming sphere. Science and education of the third millennium, Collection of scientific papers on materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow 2017,
➢ Quantum Leap of Technology Science and Education of the Third Millennium, Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific practical conference, Moscow, 2017
➢ People with disabilities in the modern world and technology. Science and education of the third millennium, Collection of scientific papers on materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, 2017
➢ Consciousness and the Internet: a virtual person. Science and education of the third
millennium, Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International
scientific-practical conference, Moscow, 2017
➢ Supercomputers. Science and education of the third millennium, Collection
scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical
conferences, Moscow, 2017
➢ Innovative technologies in education. Science Magazine «Kazakhstani innovations», Kokshetau, No. 5 (9) 2018
➢ Spiritual revival: the relevance of the Latin alphabet. Scientific magazine «Kazakhstani innovations», Kokshetau, No. 5 (9) 2018
➢ Digital Kazakhstan. Gylymi magazine «Kazakhstan innovations» Kokshetau, No. 5 (9) 2018
➢ Communication physics and computer science. Medical Science: New Opportunities (volume 2). Tajikistan. Oct 2018
Courses and trainings:
➢ Completed the full course 144 hours at the Institute for Advanced Studies and
additional education in the specialty «Information and communication technologies «. Kazakh National University them. Al-Farabi, 2016
➢»Biotechnologist» took a course of advanced training in the program «Bioinformatics and biotechnology» at the Research center. Al-Farabi Kazakh national University, 2019 (144 hours)
➢ «Teachers of educational and scientific medical organizations» KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov. . (54 hours) 2020
➢ Online course: & quot;Best teacher». The best teacher center for online courses. 2020, (72 hours).
➢ Online course: «Creating training videos», (36 hours) 2020 ➢ Training seminar: «distance learning Technologies in education», KazNMU University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov 2020 (36 hours).
➢ Online course :» I study remotely». Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. 2020 (40 hours)
➢ Online course: «Distance learning: from lesson development to organization of the educational process». Joint-stock company of the national center for advanced training «Orleu» of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2020, (40 hours).
➢ Online course: «Development and improvement of IT competencies of teachers».
Non-profit JSC «Talap», Training center. 2020 (36 hours).
➢ Online course: «Organization of online lessons with the use of innovations in
modern education». Scientific and methodological center «teacher’s Desire». Two thousand twenty
➢ Online course: «Effective methods of distance learning». Educational centre «Avangard». 2020 (40 hours).

Zhylanbayeva Balkiya Kalibayevna
E-mail: [email protected]
Education: Semipalatinsk Pedagogical University. Shakarim, Teacher of Physics and Informatics. 1996г.
Scientific degree: Master of pedagogical sciences. Specialty: Informatics 2016
Job: since 2007
•2007-2018г. Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics,
•2018-2022 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Lecturer of the Department of «Engineering disciplines and proper practices».
•From 2022, S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. Lecturer of the department «Information and communication technologies»
Scientific works:
1.»Model of competencies of KazNMU teachers». Center of pedagogical masters of KazNMU named after H.S.Nasibullina, 54 hours. 2017
2.»Moodle zhuyesinde zhumys zhasau negizderi». H.S.Nasybullina Center of Pedagogical Mastery KazNMU, 54 h. 2018 г
3.»Safety of drugs in pediatrics». NAO KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov 2019 g.
4.»The use of modern methods of teaching engineering disciplines in higher education institutions». UC «Global Professional Development» 72 h. 15.06.-26.06.2020 г.
5.»Distance Learning Technologies. S. D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU National Academy of Medical Sciences 36 ч. 13.07-18.07.2020 г.
6.»Distance Learning Technologies» NAO KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov 54 hrs. 24.02-29.02.2020г.
7.»Creating educational videos» online training. TOO «e-Learning Lab» August-November, 36 hrs. 2020г.
8.»Bioinformatics and Biotechnology. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 144 hrs. 31.05-15.06.2019 г.
9.»Autodesk AutoCAD». Educational enterprise «Perspective», 48 hours 05.12.2020.
10.»Academic LeadershipProgram». Narhoz University 36 hrs. 10-19 March 2021
11.»Module of general engineering disciplines» within the academic mobility of teachers in the amount of 72h. NAO Medina Karaganda University, 2022.

Dinara Ussipbekova








Education and qualifications:

  • 2011-2013 KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, PhD doctoral studies, specialty technical physics.
  • 2006-2008, KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, Master of Engineering Physics. K. I. Satpayev KazNTU, Master of Science, specialty Technical Physics.
  • 2000-2004 — studied in master’s degree, specialty — technical physics. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty of physics and informatics.

Academic degree: Doctor PhD, specialty Technical physics

Work experience:

  • since16.09.2023 KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov, lecturer of the department “ICT”.
  • 13.09.2022-16.09.2023  KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov, lecturer of the department “Normal Physiology with a course in biophysics”.
  • 5.01.2021-13.09.2022 KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov, assistant of the department “Normal Physiology with a course in biophysics”.
  • 2014-30.12.2020. Almaty University of Energy and Communication, senior lecturer of the department «Electric power plants and electric power systems».
  • 2012-30.06.2013 Almaty Technological University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies.
  • 2008-2012. KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, chair of general and theoretical physics, teacher of physics.
  • 2007-2008 KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Department of Technical Training Tools, an engineer.
  • 2007-2008 Almaty № 88 school, teacher of computer science.
  • 2004-2007 Almaty Industrial College, Almaty. Almaty Industrial College, Physics teacher.

Yeshenkozhaev Nabi Shakhatuly


Email: [email protected]




Education: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. 2015

Science degree:Bachelor of Technical Sciences. Specialty: Information systems 2015

Education: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2022.

Science degree:Master of Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty: Computer Science 2022

  • “The digital educational process is the main aspect of the information and communication competencies of a teacher of special disciplines,” R-Style, Agregator, 72 hours, 2021.
  • “ Methodology of using innovative technologies in the educational process.” Best Innovation Group, 72 hours, 2023.
Tursun Asel Nurzhanovna


E-mail: [email protected]






• Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University. Specialty Computer Science 2021.

• Master of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai 2023.

Scientific activity: Master of Pedagogical Sciences. 2023.

Job:from 2023 Currently an assistant at the Department of Information

and Communication Technologies of S. D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU University

72 hours of Master’s degree in the framework of academic mobility at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the Belarusian State University, 2023