Compulsory disciplines

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Graduate model Program passport Compulsory disciplines Elective disciplines


Compulsory subjects:

Infectious diseases for children (Woman and child health)

Number of credits-8

Type of control-exam

Organization of care in primary care for infectious diseases in children: airborne droplets, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, hepatitis (viral, congenital, chronic), meningococcal, enteroviral infections. Diagnosis, differential diagnostics, treatment and prevention.

Primary prophylaxis (vaccination, screenings) and secondary prophylaxis (DMP (disease management programs), UPPM (universal progressive patronage model)) (Family medicine)

Number of credits-6

Type of control-exam

Primary disease prevention. Vaccination. Screening programs. An integrated approach (DMP/ Disease Management Program) to disease prevention and management, including dynamic monitoring of patients (main components, self-management support tools, registry). Issues of protecting and promoting the health and well-being of young children in close connection with the well-being of parents and their immediate environment (UPPM/(universal progressive model of patronage services for pregnant women, newborns and young children)).

Obstetrics and gynecology (Woman and child health)

Number of credits-10

Type of control-exam

Organization of obstetric and gynecological care for the population by the family doctor: list and scope of consultative and diagnostic services (CDS), family planning, physiological pregnancy management, prenatal training, gestosis diagnosis, dynamic monitoring of pregnant women with extragenital pathology, prevention of miscarriage and identification of their causes; gynecological diseases (menstrual irregularities (dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), amenorrhea), dysfunctions, uterine bleeding), oncoscreenig. Prehospital emergency care.

Questions of geriatrics and gerontology (Family medicine)

Number of credits-2

Type of control-exam

The basics of geriatrics. Gerontology and general geriatrics. Structural changes in internal organs. The relationship of physiological age-related changes and developing pathology. Features of the clinical course of diseases in the elderly and treatment principles.

Dermatovenereology (Comprehensive family doctor practice)

Number of credits-4

Type of control-exam

Diff.diagnosis of skin lesions: dermatitis, dermatosis, etc. Treatment and preventive measures. STI The role of primary health care and the family doctor in the prevention of STIs.

Differential diagnosis of internal diseases (Internal diseases)

Number of credits-12

Type of control-exam

Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, indications for consultation of specialized specialists in adult patients, adolescents, pregnant with common diseases. Clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment.

Infectious diseases (Internal diseases)

Number of credits-6

Type of control-exam

Organization of medical assistance to the population for infectious diseases in a polyclinic. Normative base. Clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment, orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, WHO recommendations. Epidemic measures. Indications for hospitalization. Emergency conditions.

Cardiology (Internal diseases)

Number of credits-4

Type of control-exam

Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular Indications for consultation of cardiologist and invasive cardiologist, vascular surgeon. Indications for hospitalization. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. Cardiorehabilitation.

Neurology (Comprehensive family doctor practice)

Number of credits-6

Type of control-exam

Organization of neurological care in primary health care: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, dynamic observation, neurorehabilitation. Emergency care of neurological diseases: acute cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), traumatic brain injuries, acute inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes, convulsive syndrome.

General and abdominal surgery (Surgery)

Number of credits-4

Type of control-exam

Organization of surgical care by a family doctor: conducting an initial surgical examination, diagnosing acute and planned surgical pathology, determining indications for referral to surgical treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of complications after surgical interventions. Dispensary registration and dynamic management of patients with chronic surgical diseases. Performing minor surgical procedures — local anesthesia, removal of sutures from the surgical wound, application of soft bandage.

Oncology (Comprehensive family doctor practice)

Number of credits-4

Type of control-exam

Screening for early detection of oncological diseases of various localization (breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, etc.). Dynamic surveillance, hospital-replacement technologies. Physical, psychological and social rehabilitation.

Otorhinolaryngology (Surgery)

Number of credits-2

Type of control-exam

Organization of ENT care in primary health care: early diagnosis, prevention of diseases and complications of ENT organs, prophylactic examinations (otoscopy, hearing research in a whisper and colloquial speech), medical examination, determination of indications for referral to an otorhinolaryngologist. Diagnosis and emergency medical care for diseases and injuries of ENT organs (stopping nosebleeds (anterior nasal tamponade)).

Ophthalmology (Surgery)

Number of credits-2

Type of control-exam

Organization of ophthalmologic care in primary health care: basic methods of eye examination by a family doctor (tonometry, ophthalmoscopy, determination of visual acuity). Ophthalmoscopy with indications and with dynamic observation of chronic heart disease patients. Diagnosis and treatment of nosologies and conditions delegated to the family doctor. Indications for referral to an ophthalmologist. Diagnosis and emergency medical care for diseases and injuries of the eye.

Palliative medicine

Number of credits-2

Type of control-exam

Elements of palliative care in primary care settings (CHF IV Functional Class, COPD cat. D, condition after stroke, cancer of the IV stage, etc.), monitoring of adequate care and pain management, providing psychosocial care to patients and their relatives, teaching relatives the skills to care for seriously ill patient.

Pediatrics (Woman and child health)

Number of credits-20
Type of control-exam
Organization of pediatric care in primary health care: prevention and clinical examination, immunoprophylaxis, scope of consultative and diagnostic services / CDS, neonatal patronage. Comprehensive assessment and monitoring of children`s health and development. Features nutrition of children of different ages. Keeping children with background pathology. Organization of work with frequently ill children. Diagnosis, prevention, dynamic monitoring, rehabilitation of children with pulmonological, cardiological, nephrological diseases.

Rules of Activity of a Family Doctor (Family medicine)

Number of credits-14
Type of control-exam
Fundamentals of Management. Principles of financing `Primary health care` and medical-economic analysis. Health Information Systems. The system of compulsory social health insurance and the `Guaranteed amount of free medical care.` Socially-oriented `Primary health care.` Examination of disability. Methods of medical consultation.

Professional health (Internal diseases)

Number of credits-2
Type of control-exam
Occupational diseases, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Questions of professional suitability.

Psychiatry (Comprehensive family doctor practice)

Number of credits-4
Type of control-exam
The role of the family doctor in maintaining the mental health of the population. Anxious-depressive state, psychocorrection, treatment, prevention of suicides, psychoses. Care for dementia, epilepsy. Autism issues in children. Substance use. Identification, treatment and prevention. Interaction with a psychiatrist in maintaining mental health

Traumatology – orthopedics (Surgery)

Number of credits-4
Type of control-exam
Organization of trauma care in primary care: diagnosis of major trauma diseases, their prevention. Definition of indications for referral to specialized treatment. Outpatient rehabilitation with the consequences of injuries. Issues of prophylaxis and prevention of orthopedic diseases. Diagnosis and emergency care of emergency conditions for various injuries.

Phthisiology (Comprehensive family doctor practice)

Number of credits-4
Type of control-exam
Methods for the detection and diagnosis, prevention of tuberculosis in children, adolescents, pregnant women and adults in primary care. Determination of the types of tuberculosis patients. Accounting and reporting documentation. Antiepidemic work in the foci. Tuberculosis and comorbid conditions (diabetes mellitus, COPD, HIV infection).

Emergency medicine-1

Number of credits-8
Type of control-exam
Emergency medical care for critical conditions, disorders of vital organs in primary care. Algorithms for diagnosis and emergency care at the prehospital stage. Sudden death: CPR resuscitation (ABLS) and extended resuscitation (ACLS). Primary and secondary assessment of the patient affected. Diagnosis of violations of vital functions. Indications and contraindications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Emergency medicine-2

Number of credits-4
Type of control-exam
Emergency medical care for poisoning and drowning. Clinic, diagnostics and first aid.

Clinical Electrocardiography

Number of credits-4
Type of control-exam
ECG – diagnostics of rhythm and conduction disturbances, ECG in various diseases and conditions, features of children`s ECG