Compulsory disciplines

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Graduate model Program passport Compulsory disciplines Elective disciplines


Compulsory subjects:

Outpatient pediatric oncology with hematology

Number of credits-34

Type of control-exam

Discipline builds knowledge and skills conducting mass screenings for the detection of malignant tumors, clinical follow-up, determine indications for hospitalization and outpatient chemotherapy.

Intensive Care in Pediatric Oncology and Hematology

Number of credits-21

Type of control-exam

Discipline builds knowledge and skills. Оn the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening conditions in pediatric oncology and hematology; determination of indications and vascular catheterization, infusion-transfusion therapy (transfusion of plasma, blood, platelet cells, plasma substitutes, drugs for parenteral nutrition); leukapheresis, extracorporeal detoxification methods

Clinical and laboratory diagnostics in oncology and pediatric hematology

Number of credits-15

Type of control-exam

Discipline forms knowledge and practical skills on clinical and biochemical changes in the blood in pediatric oncohematology. Discipline studies the effect of chemotherapy on laboratory data(biochemical, histochemical, cytological, pathomorphological, etc.), conduct a differential diagnosis of hypoproteinemia syndromes, nephro-, hepato- and hematological toxicity.

Radiation diagnostics in pediatric oncology and hematology

Number of credits-9

Type of control-exam

Discipline forms knowledge and practical skills related to the role and place of radiation diagnostic methods (ultrasound topometry, CT, computer x-ray simulator) in oncohematological patients. Algorithms for constructing a diagnostic study in pediatric oncohematology are considered.

Radiation therapy in pediatric oncology and hematology

Number of credits-8

Type of control-exam

Discipline forms knowledge of ionizing radiation issues for the treatment of tumor and hematological diseases, the principles of radiation safety and dosimetry for self-combined therapy.

Pediatric oncology and hematology in the hospital

Number of credits-45

Type of control-exam

Discipline forms knowledge on the organization of hematological and oncological care for children in a hospital; skills in the diagnosis and interpretation of examination and treatment results, determination of indications and trepanobiopsy, lumbar puncture; selection of chemotherapy regimens depending on concomitant pathology.