Press service

Head of the Press Service of KazNMU

Tyan Marina Alexandrovna

Mobile phone:8 777 7000 700

Work: 8 727 338 70 44 (вн. 7152)


Goals, objectives and functions of the press service of KazNMU

  • Enhancing the University’s market presence and bolstering its competitiveness by meeting the needs of both domestic and international consumers. This will be achieved by implementing an evolving system that promotes educational, research, clinical, and other services, guided by the University’s developed and deployed marketing strategy.
  • Facilitating the collaboration of the University’s departments with media to support and implement initiatives focused on the University’s development. Strengthening the University’s image through the conception and execution of a series of events in the field of public relations. Shaping a positive image and fostering favorable social and public opinion about the University’s activities among the public through effective media communication.
  1. Providing information to the University’s structural units through the official website, corporate email, etc.
  2. Ensuring constant and effective two-way communication between the University’s leadership and various community groups, media outlets, and legal entities.
  3. Informational support for the activities of the University and its departments.
  4. Assisting journalists in covering the activities of the University and its departments.
  5. Monitoring the media, studying trends in changing public opinion on University activities, and evaluating the media’s impact.
  6. Developing and implementing activities based on the media plan for the calendar year.
  7. Preparing and disseminating official messages, press releases, statements, and other informational materials related to the University’s activities.
  8. Interaction with the press services of public organizations, government bodies, and media outlets.
  9. Conducting informational events in collaboration with interested media.
  10.  Strengthening the University’s image. Creating a unified associative-visual image of the University for the target audience.
  11.  Enhancing the University’s presence in the communication-information space. Expanding the University’s information and communication space.
  12.  Providing information support for all areas of the University’s activities and specific projects.
  13.  Formulating and monitoring the implementation of the University’s marketing strategy.
  14.  Organizing and conducting marketing research.
  15.  Improving the University’s efficiency in marketing activities;
  16.  Formulating proposals for establishing the University’s competitive advantage;
  17.  Analyzing the University’s pricing policies within market trends;
  18.  Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing initiatives;
  19.  Conducting comprehensive market research;
  20.  Analyzing the University’s internal environment;
  21.  Performing an analysis of the satisfaction level with the services provided by the University;
  22.  Assisting in the promotion of educational, research, clinical, and other services offered by the University;
  23.  Planning and organizing staff training on marketing issues;
  24.  Market analysis: collecting, processing, and providing the leadership with analytical information on the market’s current state and development trends;
  25.  Collaborating with the University’s media communications department in developing advertising content for official information sources (website, social media).
  1. Organization of events involving the university’s leadership, academic and teaching staff, and students.
  2. Coverage of the University’s activities in the mass media;
  3. Study of various aspects of the public’s perception of the University, identification of greatest impact factors on the public assessment of the University’s activities, and content analysis of media in this direction to adjust existing public relations programs.
  4. Participation, in conjunction with other structural units, in the development and planning of the University’s advertising strategy, conducting events aimed at its implementation.
  5. Organizational and methodological guidance, and coordination of the activities of the University’s structural units on public communications issues.
  6. Preparation and presentation of informational-analytical materials on the state and prospective development of the University’s public relations to the leadership.
  7. Preparation of informational-analytical materials on the university’s activities in the field of public relations.
  8. Organization of the release of presentational and image products, preparation and distribution of information and advertising materials about the University’s activities (image videos, publications in the media, videos, and others)
  9. Interaction with the media, analysis of materials about the University, advertising, and informational support for events held within the framework of the University’s scientific, educational, and socio-cultural activities.
  10. Establishing a constructive dialogue with the media.
  11. Creation of news hooks and their implementation in the public space.
  12. Providing the media with information about the University’s activities, analyzing materials about the University, organizing campaigns advertising the University, its departments, as well as the most significant projects and events involving the University.
  13. Formulation of a unified, consistent, systematic, and comprehensive information policy.
  14. Coordination of the activities of departments, schools, and faculties in the field of public relations.
  15. Coverage of all significant projects and events held at the University, as well as posting of official statements, messages, reports, and announcements as requested by University departments.
  16. Organization of video filming, and preparation of videos highlighting the University’s activities, followed by posting on the official website of the University.
  17. Preparation and distribution of materials related to the University’s activities in the media.
  18. Compilation of a video archive.
  19. Organisation of special image events, such as meetings of the University’s leadership with representatives of the public and press conferences.
  20. Collection and processing of suggestions, appeals, and comments addressed to the University’s leadership, identification of the most relevant issues for students and staff.
  21. Preparation of articles, informational materials, and interviews with the University’s leadership.
  22. Management of the news feed on the University’s website.
  23. Administration of the University’s corporate email.
  24. Provision of University staff with corporate email, improvement, and management of the functions of electronic corporate mail.
  25. Development, planning, and implementation of events to inform the public about the University’s activities.
  26. Media monitoring and analysis of the dynamics of public opinion on key issues related to the University’s activities, with prompt communication of the results to the University’s leadership.
  27. Interaction with journalists to ensure the most complete and objective coverage of the University’s and its structural units’ activities in the media.
  28. Assisting journalists in obtaining information, including conducting audio and video recordings at the University per their requests.
  29. Preparation and placement in the media of articles, interviews, and speeches by the rector and vice-rectors of the University, as well as press releases about the events held.
  30. Timely response to media publications addressing inaccuracies or legal inaccuracies related to the University’s activities, including the preparation of draft official responses to such publications.
  31. Preparation of draft official statements and messages from the University’s leadership for the media.
  32. Preparation of analytical reports on the published materials about the University in the media (republican, regional, local) on issues within the scope of responsibility, and preparation of proposals for the professional development of employees.
  33. Involvement, on contractual terms, of the media in the preparation of special publications in their editions/on radio/television under the developed media plan based on the budget.
  34. Development of advertising and PR media campaigns for the University.
  35. Preparation of congratulatory addresses, telegrams, press releases, etc.
  36. Participation in meetings, conferences, and other events within the scope of responsibility.
  37. Management of official accounts on popular social networks.
  38. Comprehensive market research;
  39. Planning and organization of marketing activities (formation of marketing strategy and action plan);
  40. Analysis of the University’s internal environment;
  41. Analysis of the level of satisfaction with the University’s services;
  42. Assistance in the promotion of educational, research, clinical, and other services offered by the University;
  43. Planning and organizing staff training on marketing matters.
  44. Market analysis: collecting, processing, and providing the leadership with analytical information on the market’s current state and development trends;
  45. Maintenance of the process of informing the University’s leadership about potential or actual violations of the anti-corruption policy, conflict of interest resolution rules, corruption risks or incidents, and requirements of other internal regulatory documents of the University on anti-corruption.
Press service staff of KazNMU

Head of the Media Communications Department: Onerbayev Adil Maratovich

Mobile phone: +7 707 788 8308

Work: +7 727 338 70 44 (ext. 7331)

Chief specialist: Akhmetov Alisher Kasymovich

Specialist: Koilibay Azimbek Abdikululy

+7 777 363 65 97

Designer: Kopachevsky Arseniy Viktorovich

Photographer: Erzhan Kurmanbai


94 Tole bi Street, Rectorate, 1st floor, Rooms 116, 120, 122.

Phone: +7 (7272) 3387090, internal extensions 7331, 7152.
